ArcNet Priority Area for Conservation 40

For more information regarding this PAC and to conduct custom spatial analysis using the PAC data or any spatial query, please consult Accenter.


CFs entirely within the PAC area


CFs at least 25% within the PAC area


CFs with their target entirely achieved in the PAC


CFs with at least 50% of their target achieved in the PAC

CF ID CF Name Pro­por­tion in the PAC Con­ser­va­tion Target Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
6057 Common eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) wintering grounds, Spitsbergen 19.0% 55.2% 25.7% 25.1%
7248 Seagrasses, Iceland 6.7% 30.0% 13.6% 7.0%
6060 Common eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) breeding / moulting grounds, Iceland 5.7% 55.2% 7.7% 7.4%
6054 Common eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) wintering grounds, Iceland 5.3% 55.2% 7.1% 6.8%
6075 Common murre (Uria aalge aalge) breeding colonies 4.6% 54.0% 6.7% 6.4%
7208 Benthic communities, V.1.1. North Iceland shelf 3.5% 17.0% 15.2% 10.1%
7210 Benthic communities, V.1.1.2. North Iceland glacial troughs 2.5% 19.3% 9.0% 7.1%
4086 Fish communities, Iceland Zoogeographic District, Subarctic Transitional-Atlantic Province, Arctic Region 2.5% 20.0% 8.9% 5.4%
Updated: 2023-01-25 20:35