ArcNet Priority Area for Conservation 59

For more information regarding this PAC and to conduct custom spatial analysis using the PAC data or any spatial query, please consult Accenter.


CFs entirely within the PAC area


CFs at least 25% within the PAC area


CFs with their target entirely achieved in the PAC


CFs with at least 50% of their target achieved in the PAC

CF ID CF Name Pro­por­tion in the PAC Con­ser­va­tion Target Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
7179 Benthic communities, VII.3. Makarov and Canada basin and VII.3.1. rises (slope foot) 20.5% 22.7% 60.6% 51.5%
3050 Multiyear Ice biological communities, September, Beaufort Sea 15.6% 18.0% 71.6% 46.8%
7141 Benthic communities, III.1.2.2. Canadian Arctic Archipelago north slope canyons 11.7% 12.1% 89.0% 36.5%
7183 Benthic communities, VII.3.5. Makarov and Canada basin deep parts of canyons (below slope) 10.8% 23.1% 42.6% 30.5%
5020 Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), Eastern Chukchi Sea stock, summer grounds 10.2% 48.0% 19.2% 19.2%
5015 Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), Eastern Beaufort Sea stock, winter grounds 9.5% 48.0% 16.2% 16.2%
5117 Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), Eeastern Chukchi Sea stock, autumn grounds, core areas 9.3% 24.0% 31.7% 18.4%
7023 Banthic communities, Canada Basin abyssal Zoogeographic region 4.5% 7.9% 47.3% 45.8%
9014 Polar bear (Ursus maritimus), Northern Beaufort Sea subpopulation, home range 2.4% 32.4% 6.1% 5.1%
3032 MIZ biological communities, July, Beaufort Sea 2.4% 24.0% 7.8% 7.3%
7180 Benthic communities, VII.3.2. Makarov and Canada basin abyssal plains 2.3% 6.5% 29.6% 29.2%
7182 Benthic communities, VII.3.4. Makarov and Canada basin abyssal mountains 1.8% 16.6% 9.8% 7.6%
7181 Benthic communities, VII.3.3. Makarov and Canada basin abyssal hills 1.8% 7.2% 22.0% 10.6%
Updated: 2023-01-25 20:35