ArcNet Priority Area for Conservation 10

For more information regarding this PAC and to conduct custom spatial analysis using the PAC data or any spatial query, please consult Accenter.


CFs entirely within the PAC area


CFs at least 25% within the PAC area


CFs with their target entirely achieved in the PAC


CFs with at least 50% of their target achieved in the PAC

CF ID CF Name Pro­por­tion in the PAC Con­ser­va­tion Target Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
8028 Biological communities, intertidal zone, East-Siberian Sea 48.6% 18.0% 244.0% 84.3%
8019 Biological communities, estuaries, East-Siberian Sea 13.5% 50.0% 26.1% 20.7%
7103 Benthic communities, II.1.1.12. East-Siberian Sea shelf coastal domain 12.3% 12.8% 80.1% 41.8%
8035 Biological communities, salt marshes, East-Siberian Sea 11.6% 30.0% 29.4% 27.8%
3040 MIZ biological communities, July, East-Siberian Sea 6.3% 24.0% 20.2% 20.2%
7104 Benthic communities, II.1.1.13. East-Siberian Sea inner shelf 5.1% 6.1% 61.1% 15.6%
3008 Fast ice biological communities, Eastern part of the Laptev Sea and the East-Siberian Sea 5.0% 6.0% 65.2% 14.0%
4092 Brackish water fish complex, Indigirka-Kolyma rivers esuaries 4.5% 6.0% 58.1% 19.1%
2009 Bearded seal (Erignatus barbatus) whelping grounds, East-Siberian Sea 3.6% 12.0% 23.0% 15.4%
4010 Muksun (Coregonus muksun) feeding grounds 3.5% 32.4% 8.2% 8.1%
4014 Siberian whitefish (Coregonus pidschian) feeding grounds 3.2% 24.0% 10.5% 6.6%
4015 Broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus), American populations, feeding grounds 2.5% 32.4% 6.3% 5.4%
7035 Benthic communities, Siberian shelf Zoogeographic region 2.5% 8.6% 22.3% 6.4%
4036 Borisov’s Arctic cod (Arctogadus borisovi) range 2.2% 13.2% 12.7% 5.6%
Updated: 2023-01-25 20:52