ArcNet Priority Area for Conservation 34

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CFs entirely within the PAC area


CFs at least 25% within the PAC area


CFs with their target entirely achieved in the PAC


CFs with at least 50% of their target achieved in the PAC

CF ID CF Name Pro­por­tion in the PAC Con­ser­va­tion Target Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
7189 Benthic communities, VI.1.8. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait seamounts 55.7% 97.3% 57.0% 56.8%
5049 Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) summer feeding grounds, Jan Mayen 48.9% 52.8% 81.4% 81.3%
6031 Little auk (Alle alle alle) breeding colonies, Greenland and North America 40.3% 72.0% 55.9% 54.2%
7173 Benthic communities, VII.1.3. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait abyssal hills 35.6% 14.3% 227.9% 73.6%
7186 Benthic communities, VI.1.3. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait ridges 31.0% 44.3% 60.6% 57.4%
7174 Benthic communities, VII.1.4. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait abyssal mountains 28.0% 23.5% 108.7% 55.3%
5064 Orca (Orcinus orca) summer feeding grounds, eastern North Atlantic 27.1% 6.0% 369.6% 61.8%
7187 Benthic communities, VI.1.4. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait spreading ridge 20.2% 25.3% 59.5% 34.0%
7184 Benthic communities, VI.1. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait Basin rises and VI.1.1. plateaus 17.8% 11.5% 134.8% 52.1%
5066 Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) feeding grounds, central North Atlantic 17.7% 12.0% 134.5% 40.3%
6091 Little auk (Alle alle alle) breeding colonies foraging range buffer, Greenland and North America 17.5% 48.0% 35.9% 25.6%
6022 Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica naumanni) breeding colonies 13.5% 72.0% 18.7% 14.2%
6090 Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica naumanni) breeding colonies foraging range buffer 13.1% 48.0% 26.7% 16.9%
5059 Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia) summer feeding grounds, East Greenland and Iceland 12.8% 12.0% 98.7% 33.1%
5101 Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatu) summer feeding grounds, eastern North Atlantic 12.4% 12.0% 90.8% 72.9%
7172 Benthic communities, VII.1.2. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait abyssal plains 12.3% 28.9% 41.8% 34.5%
5037 Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) summer feeding grounds, eastern North Atlantic 10.0% 25.2% 34.4% 26.1%
6101 Common murre (Uria aalge aalge) breeding colonies foraging range buffer 9.9% 36.0% 27.0% 19.1%
7027 Benthic communities, Greenland Sea abyssal Zoogeographic region 9.7% 15.7% 53.7% 53.1%
6002 Little auk (Alle alle alle) wintering grounds 9.0% 24.0% 32.7% 22.6%
6004 Little auk (Alle alle polaris) wintering grounds 8.4% 18.0% 41.1% 23.0%
6076 Common murre (Uria aalge aalge) wintering grounds 6.6% 18.0% 33.6% 18.0%
4064 Smooth polar sculpin (Cottunculus subspinosus) home range 6.2% 6.0% 78.9% 16.5%
6075 Common murre (Uria aalge aalge) breeding colonies 6.2% 54.0% 11.4% 10.8%
6082 Thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia lomvia) breeding colonies 6.1% 72.0% 8.4% 7.2%
5113 Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) summer feeding grounds, Atlantic 6.0% 14.4% 35.5% 30.0%
6023 Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica naumanni) winter grounds 6.0% 24.0% 21.8% 17.7%
3024 MIZ biological communities, April, Iceland 5.7% 12.0% 33.8% 21.2%
4027 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), European populations, feeding / migration grounds 4.8% 20.4% 19.7% 13.5%
6106 Thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia lomvia) breeding colonies foraging range buffer 4.3% 48.0% 8.7% 6.4%
7171 Benthic communities, VII.1. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait basins and VII.1.1. rises (slope foot) 3.8% 14.0% 23.2% 19.3%
4045 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) feeding / migration grounds 3.8% 6.0% 55.5% 9.1%
4032 Arctic skate (Amblyraja hyperborea) home range 3.7% 3.0% 113.9% 8.7%
4096 Glacial eelpout (Lycodes frigidus) home range 3.7% 6.0% 54.2% 13.9%
6099 Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla tridactyla) breeding colonies foraging range buffer 3.3% 64.8% 5.1% 5.1%
4079 Fish communities, Scandian, Central-Arctic and Baffin Deep Sea Zoogeographic Districts, Arctic Abyssal Province, Arctic Region 3.1% 4.0% 67.5% 11.5%
6083 Thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia lomvia) wintering grounds 2.7% 24.0% 10.0% 7.0%
4037 Glacial cod (Arctogadus glacialis) home range 2.3% 9.0% 23.1% 5.6%
5046 Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), Spitsbergen population, home range 1.3% 18.6% 6.2% 6.2%
Updated: 2023-01-25 20:42