ArcNet Priority Area for Conservation 42

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CFs entirely within the PAC area


CFs at least 25% within the PAC area


CFs with their target entirely achieved in the PAC


CFs with at least 50% of their target achieved in the PAC

CF ID CF Name Pro­por­tion in the PAC Con­ser­va­tion Target Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
7264 Benthic communities, South-East Greenland bank 100.0% 70.0% 142.9% 100.0%
6052 Common eider (Somateria mollissima borealis) breeding / moulting grounds, Eeast Greenland 34.8% 67.2% 43.3% 43.0%
7162 Benthic communities, III.6.1.2. Southeast Greenland glacial troughs 28.7% 11.7% 211.5% 61.4%
7160 Benthic communities, III.6.1. Southeaste Greenland shelf 23.8% 10.4% 200.9% 49.5%
5098 White-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) feeding grounds, central North Atlantic 19.4% 12.0% 156.2% 51.5%
7161 Benthic communities, III.6.1.1. Southeast Greenland medium and low profile shelf 16.1% 12.1% 119.6% 32.7%
5048 Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) summer feeding grounds, East Greenland and western Iceland 15.7% 26.4% 54.6% 54.4%
3025 MIZ biological communities, April, Greenland Sea 11.2% 35.0% 27.3% 26.2%
7163 Benthic communities, III.6.2. Southwest Greenland slope 7.6% 13.4% 56.0% 24.2%
2028 Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) molting grounds 5.6% 38.4% 11.8% 11.4%
4028 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), American populations, feeding / migration grounds 4.7% 12.0% 35.0% 11.2%
4085 Fish communities, Labrador - Southern Greenland Zoogeographic Districts, Subarctic Transitional-Atlantic Province, Arctic Region 4.7% 8.6% 48.1% 10.1%
5059 Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia) summer feeding grounds, East Greenland and Iceland 3.8% 12.0% 26.9% 9.0%
7171 Benthic communities, VII.1. Greenland Sea and Fram Strait basins and VII.1.1. rises (slope foot) 3.4% 14.0% 22.0% 18.3%
6076 Common murre (Uria aalge aalge) wintering grounds 3.0% 18.0% 14.6% 7.8%
4049 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) home range 2.8% 6.0% 41.6% 6.6%
6002 Little auk (Alle alle alle) wintering grounds 2.7% 24.0% 10.5% 7.3%
5101 Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatu) summer feeding grounds, eastern North Atlantic 2.5% 12.0% 19.7% 15.8%
Updated: 2023-01-25 20:48