7231 - Kelp forests, Murman coast

CF Number 7231
CF name/description Kelp forests, Murman coast
Time period 1960–2015
Seasonality January–December
Depth horizon (m) 3–30
Methodological notes Extent of kelp forest along the shore is derived acoording to frequent point observations reported in the literature and inferring quasi-continuous extent of kelp communities between points
Sources Blinova, 2007; Filbee-Dexter et al., 2019. See Bibliography list.
ArcNet team member leading dataset preparation Vassily Spiridonov
Weights 100
Conservation Target Set in the Scenario 15.0%
Conservation Target Achieved in the Scenario 42.1% (Scenario: 280.5%)
PAC ID Pro­por­tion in the PAC Cont­ri­bu­tion to ArcNet Tar­get Achie­ve­ment PAC’s Cont­ri­bu­tion to the Achie­ved Tar­get
25 18.8% 116.1% 41.4%
27 8.9% 45.2% 16.1%
inner 27.7% 161.3% 57.5%
outer 72.3% 119.2% 42.5%
Updated: 2023-12-07 18:21